
Analysis – Transformation – Support & Attendance

Sometimes in your life, you find yourself at a dead end alley. The reason as well the solution for this situation is inside yourself ! Our inner world is composed by emotions, convictions, prejudices, patterns. It comes to blockages which occures as fears, sorrows, negative emotions, pain. At this point of time it s just not enough to talk to your best bouddies to resolve the situation. This is the moment when a transformation of your energetic bodies and your awareness help further on, to get more clearness in any situation.
My experience and network may help to support you during your own process of transformation. Even if you already have little doubts – it ll work out for you !
All you need is to do the first step : your own freewill to change the actual situation into positive.

During every consultation I ll connect with your soul – this is the fastest way to center yourself. As soon as the blockages start to transform, you ll see this world with a new regard. You ll develop a new “self”Awareness for your actual situation – destructive attitude will dissapear and dark emotions will dissolve. Your soul receives more space in your life to live in joy, harmony, confidence.

The goal of a coahing is to receive substained effects and not only to change a situation for 2 days. It s recommended after the very first consultation to contemplate the whole coaching goals together, to better determine next steps and consultations.

Changements of your subconscious and spiritual bodie may appear within a decale of 4 weeks in your real life – the way you Die Veränderungen in Deinem Unterbewusstsein sowie im spirituellen Körper zeichnen sich mit einer 4-wöchigen Verzögerung in Deinem reellen Lebe act, think, feel.
Transformation is smooth and energetic in same time.


  1. analysis of your actual situation
  2. depending on situation/theme: guided meditation, positive attitude
  3. quantum healing
  4. POA=Plan of Action) for your workaday life